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Please encourage British MPs to speak out against the dog meat trade

Please encourage British MPs to speak out against the dog meat trade

The dog meat trade will soon be the subject of a full debate in the House of Commons in London and your urgent action is required. This potentially ground-breaking debate is as a result of the meeting held at the House of Commons on the 28th of January where an unprecedented 138 MP’s signed an Early Day Motion (EDM) in support for action to be taken to tackle this trade. 

Please encourage British MPs to speak out against the dog meat trade by signing the petition here

And if you are a UK citizen, please contact your local MP urging them to take action.  You will find information on how you can contact your MP and make your voice heard here.

Please write to them urging them to attend the forthcoming debate on the dog meat trade in Asia and to support the motion calling for the UK Government to request the respective governments in Asia to end the trade.

This sensational event offers new hope for support for our campaign!

Together our voice is louder in calling for an end to this brutal trade that causes the suffering of millions of dogs every year…



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ACPA’s focus is to end the trade in- and demand for- dogs from Thailand, Laos and Cambodia into Vietnam to supply the demand for dog meat and associated products.

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